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What can Rewind do?

What can Rewind do?

Rewind is the first football specific video player where you can watch your downloaded film instantly!

Use Cases:

  1. Do you have an external hard drive full of downloaded Hudl film? With Rewind you can watch your film straight from an external hard drive with the breakdown data.

    Learn how to Watch with Rewind from an External Hard Drive Here

  2. Do you want to study all-22 film with the breakdown data? With Rewind, you can watch all-22 film on a football specific video player with the breakdown data.

    Download Free All-22 Cutups to Watch on Rewind Here

  3. Want to watch film without your external hard drive? No problem! You can upload your film to Google Drive and watch straight from the cloud using the Google Drive desktop app.

    Learn how to Watch with Rewind from Google Drive Here

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